Testimonial Feature

Thank you so much for all your support so far. I contacted you because I was sick of everyone having an opinion on the various diets I was trying, yoyo dieting my whole life and not being confident in which diet or plan to stick to and whether there were any negative consequences to fad diets like juicing which delivered quick results that soon disappeared!

I wanted a sustainable plan where I could still enjoy eating (I am a big foody) and know I am consuming the right fuel for me personally (not just what has worked for someone else) and I have absolutely found that by working with you. 

I love that you are my 24/7 coach and mentor and I can call you any time or send a quick message if I am choosing from a menu, about to go off plan or am simply weighing up options. No food or drink is banned which I find really helpful after years of restricting myself and trying to eliminate food that I love… which makes you want them more! 

I love that you are very human in your approach and you’ve become a friend. You are realistic when helping me set goals and I like that you can relate to some of my dilemmas and bad habits and help me through the slip-ups without making me feel guilty or judged. This massively helps me get back on track and I imagine other personal trainers and nutritionists might take a more disciplinary approach! The tips and tricks you give me are very doable and they really work e.g. brushing teeth after dinner to prevent eating more, having a sweet tea and then deciding if I still need dessert, and even recommending food like a curly wurly or protein bar which hits the spot but doesn’t damage my weekly targets.

 The fact that you are so passionate about nutrition is amazing. I know you have and continue to invest a huge amount of time and effort in really understanding the science and psychology behind sustainable weight loss and wellbeing and that means I can justify my choices to nosy family and friends but I can also ask you anything and know I will get an honest, evidence-based answer, with an explanation that I understand.

 I’ve learned more about nutrition in the last 8 weeks with you than in my 30 years of reading, listening to podcasts, and hearing contradictory messages from friends, influencers and the media. Having recovered from a really long period of disordered eating, I feel like I finally have the knowledge and tools to eat well, and enjoy food, whilst being the weight I’ve always wanted to be and having a body I feel really proud of. 

 In 2 months, I’ve lost just over 9 pounds which I am so so happy with – my goal altogether is only 10 pounds and for the first time in my life, that is within reach without doing a short term fad diet. During that time, I’ve drunk alcohol, I’ve had takeaways, I’ve eaten cake, I don’t feel deprived. I feel healthy, I have energy, I’ve wanted to exercise more than normal and when I put a bikini on, I feel fantastic! My boyfriend has noticed and says I look great, and my boss says I look healthy and my skin is glowing! The fact that you used to be a personal trainer is another bonus because we have been able to work on exercise plans alongside nutrition and I feel like you have a really holistic and well-rounded view of health. 

Thank you wholeheartedly. Your help is worth every penny and I would absolutely recommend you to anyone looking to lose weight, tone up, improve health or just understand nutrition and how to create a sustainable and enjoyable plan for life 😊

By R.S, Aged 29, London


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